itec group does not disclose or distribute personal information of any kind. The only exception to this is if a person should voluntarily provide their personal information for the purpose of being contacted by itec group.
itec group has taken every step to adhere to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation.
Should you receive an email from anyone at itec group that you do not wish to receive or should you choose to no longer receive email correspondence from itec group in the future, please contact us at [email protected] and we will update our records accordingly.
Please note that our web site may contain links to other sites. While itec group takes every precaution to protect your personal information, please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage you to be aware and vigilant with providing personal information while accessing other websites and strongly suggest you review privacy polies before providing any information.
For any questions or concerns related to our privacy statement of policy please contact [email protected]