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Finding the right skilled trade candidates can take a lot of time, and you must be specific about what you're looking for. But you don't have to do it alone. Let's break down the best advice to help you find skilled tradespeople with the knowledge and experience to fit into your workplace environment and industry.


Leverage Industry-Specific Job Boards and Forums


Utilizing job boards and forums catering to the trades can help employers reach a targeted audience of job seekers. Platforms such as Skills Ontario and other trade-specific sites are frequented by professionals looking for job opportunities in their field of expertise. Posting job vacancies on these platforms can help attract candidates with the specific skills and experience employers seek.


Collaborate with Trade Schools and Apprenticeship Programs


Forming partnerships with trade schools and apprenticeship programs can provide direct access to a pool of emerging talent. Employers can participate in job fairs, offer guest lectures, or provide hands-on training opportunities to students and apprentices. These initiatives help students gain real-world experience and allow employers to evaluate potential employees' skills and work ethic firsthand.


Utilize Social Media and Networking Events


Social media platforms, professional networking sites like LinkedIn, and industry events offer valuable opportunities for employers to connect with skilled tradespeople. By actively engaging in these spaces—sharing insights about their projects, company culture, and available job opportunities—employers can raise their visibility among potential candidates. Networking events, whether virtual or in-person, also provide a platform to meet skilled professionals and communicate directly about job openings.


With the help of a Specialized Staffing Agency


Partnering with a staffing agency specializing in skilled trades can significantly streamline the recruitment process. These agencies have extensive networks of pre-vetted candidates and a deep understanding of the industry's requirements. They can quickly match employers with candidates who have the necessary technical skills and fit well with the company's culture and values. This approach can save employers time and resources in the recruitment process while ensuring access to top talent.


Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits


To attract and retain skilled tradespeople, employers must offer competitive compensation packages that reflect the value of these professionals' skills and experience. This includes not only fair wages but also benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and opportunities for professional development. Recognizing and rewarding tradespeople's hard work and expertise can make a significant difference in attracting high-quality candidates.


If you're ready to hire, get in touch with itec group today!

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It's the New Year, so it's time to make resolutions. Have you thought about ways to improve your work habits in 2024? Now is the time to make changes that will positively affect your career today and in the future. Here are five things you can do starting right now.


Focus on Time Management


In 2024, time management skills are crucial for professional success, enabling individuals to navigate the increasingly fast-paced and dynamic work environment effectively. Cultivating this work habit enhances productivity and task completion and promotes a healthier work-life balance, fostering overall job satisfaction and well-being.


Pack Healthy Snacks


Healthy lunches and snacks in 2024 can positively impact physical well-being and workplace performance. A nutritious meal fuels energy levels throughout the day and contributes to enhanced focus and productivity, ultimately fostering a healthier and more resilient workforce.


Take Time to Release Stress


Learning to release stress is integral to improving work habits as it helps individuals maintain better focus, decision-making, and overall cognitive function. By adopting stress-relief techniques, employees can cultivate resilience, reduce burnout, and create a more conducive work environment, ultimately enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness in their professional responsibilities.


Set Up Regular Touchpoints with Managers


Regular meetings and touchpoints with managers foster improved work habits by providing a structured platform for feedback, goal alignment, and problem-solving. These interactions create a collaborative environment, enhancing communication and accountability, increasing productivity, and developing more effective work habits.


Document Your Successes


Developing the habit of documenting workplace successes is essential for career growth, as it creates a tangible record of achievements that can be showcased during performance reviews or when pursuing new opportunities. This practice helps individuals build a strong professional reputation and provides a valuable resource for self-reflection and continuous improvement in their professional journey.


If you're ready for a new role, start your search with itec group!

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Ontario's manufacturing sector is thriving, but critical positions often remain unfilled due to talent shortages. How do companies find the employees they need in a competitive market? If you're looking for practical strategies for employers to attract and retain top talent, you've come to the right place. By implementing these ideas, you can ensure a steady workforce for continued success.


Working with itec Group


We aim to help you build and manage an agile workforce that fills specialized talent gaps within your organization. Our retention-focused hiring approach allows us to target candidates with cross-functional skills who will excel from the start and can learn, develop, and evolve for your future business demands.


Ontario-Based Employment Experts


We are part of the Ontario community and understand the needs of local companies and candidates. Connecting individuals to organizations in the area is a critical aspect of our business. By living our values, we can connect people who share also your values in the right roles at the right times.


Working with Ontario-based recruiters specializing in manufacturing provides a strategic advantage by leveraging their deep understanding of the local industry landscape, ensuring tailored recruitment solutions that align with the region's specific needs and regulations. This expertise and our established network within the Ontario manufacturing sector enhance the likelihood of connecting employers with highly skilled candidates, fostering efficient and successful workforce placements.


Our Specializations


The team at itec Group specializes in advanced manufacturing and engineering for companies across Ontario. We can place contract or permanent resources to fulfill your workforce needs. Positions we staff for include:

  • Application/Sales engineering

  • Chemical and material engineering

  • Electrical engineering

  • Manufacturing and quality engineering

  • Mechanical engineering

  • Environmental health and safety

  • Logistics

  • Skilled Trades & Industrial Management

  • CNC machining and programming


Connect with Us


The manufacturing industry continues to evolve in advancing, innovating, and pioneering next-generation manufacturing capabilities. Your business thrives on the ability to stay ahead of modernization; our recruitment experience and market intelligence will ensure you have the workforce to do so. Contact us to build your workforce.


For help hiring talented manufacturing professionals in Ontario, give our team a call! 


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Are you thinking of becoming an electrician? It's a great and lucrative career path that's always in demand. Did you know electrical apprenticeships are the stepping stone to becoming a qualified electrician? They are an essential learning opportunity and can provide additional insight and avenues into the career path. Here is what you should know.


The Career Path for Electricians


The career path for electricians often follows a series of stepping stones, allowing individuals to progress and specialize within the field. Here are some typical career stepping stones for electricians:

  • Apprenticeship
  • Journeyman Electrician
  • Specialization
  • Master Electrician


It's important to note that continuing education, staying updated with industry trends, and pursuing certifications can also play a significant role in an electrician's career advancement. The specific path an electrician takes can vary based on individual goals, interests, and opportunities within the industry.


How to Get an Apprenticeship


When seeking an apprenticeship opportunity as you become an electrician, start by contacting local electrical contractors, construction companies, or trade unions. These organizations often offer formal apprenticeship programs that provide hands-on training and mentorship. Reach out to vocational schools or community colleges that may partner with industry professionals, facilitating connections to potential apprenticeship opportunities. Job search websites and trade-specific job boards can also list available apprenticeships. By proactively researching and contacting these sources, you can increase your chances of finding a valuable apprenticeship that will lay the foundation for your successful career in the electrical field.


Taking the Next Steps


New electricians can begin their job search by exploring various avenues. Networking is vital. Attending trade shows, industry events, and joining local trade organizations can help build connections and uncover potential job openings. Checking job boards and company websites for entry-level positions or apprenticeships is also critical. Contacting local electrical contractors, trade unions, and vocational schools can provide insights into available opportunities. Additionally, connecting with experienced electricians for advice and guidance can lead to valuable insights and potential job leads. By being proactive, persistent, and leveraging multiple resources, new electricians can increase their chances of finding their first opportunities in the field.


Ready to look for an electrician role? Check out our career portal today!

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What does it mean to be underemployed? It can be a lot of things. For example, you could be a recent college grad but unable to find a job using your degree. Even seasoned employees can find themselves underemployed if their job title and duties don't match their skills and experience. So, what can you do about being underemployed? Here are a few tips to take your job to the next level.


Know Your Worth


The first step is to determine what you're truly worth. What is the sum total of your experience, and what are people paying for those positions? You can conduct research online with sites like or Glassdoor to get a better impression of what someone with your preferred job title should be making.


Ask for a Promotion and Negotiate


It's okay to start negotiations at this stage. Remind your current employer that you have these additional skills, provide examples of how you can be of use to them, and your expectations in terms of salary. Even if they're unable to provide anything more, you are now better positioned to start your job search.




There are other ways to use your diverse work skills outside of your job. Many people are okay with their role but do additional work on the side through volunteering in the community. Non-profits and charities can always use extra help, so reach out with your background and skill set to see how you can assist them.


Perfect Your Resume


If you are ready to start looking for a job better suited to your experience, now is the time to work on your resume. Include a list of accomplishments showcasing how you've used your skills in the past. Make it clear that your objective is to find a position where you can make the most of your previous experience.


Apply with a Recruiter


You don't have to do this alone. When you're looking for a new job, be sure to apply with a recruiter like itec group. They can review your resume and background and talk with their extended networks to find you an opportunity that better matches your experience.


Contact itec group to provide the tools, confidence & the know-how needed to find a great new job in your field.

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Busting 3 Myths on Trade Work

Are you thinking about a career change? Have you considered learning a trade? Trade work can be both rewarding and lucrative. There are many great job opportunities in trades, such as electricians, millwrights, CNC machinists, tool and die makers, and many more. It may be helpful to see a few of the myths about trade jobs busted. Let’s take a closer look.


Myth 1 - Trades are for School Dropouts


Probably the biggest myth we hear about trade jobs is that they’re only for people who can’t make it in school or other fields of work. But that’s not true at all. Trades jobs are essential, and they require active learning and mastery just like any other position. But the most significant difference is that most trades jobs can be taught through shorter courses and rely more on experience than education to advance their careers.


A career in a trade is an excellent opportunity for people at all levels of educational background. These jobs will always be in demand and can be done long-term or on a short-term basis.


Myth 2 - They’re Only Jobs for Men


It’s true, many job listings for trades positions tend to use gendered language, and that needs to stop. Companies are becoming more aware of it, but there is a lot of work to be done. But trades are not just for men, and women are starting to take up more space in the industry. Women account for only 4.7% of construction jobs in Canada, but that number is rising.


Many people believe that women are the key to the trades shortage across Canada. But there will be barriers - Women have to work hard to get recognition and often make less than their male counterparts. Change often comes from within.


Myth 3 - There’s No Industry Growth


There is also the misconception that trade jobs are stuck in time, but that’s not true. There is plenty of growth, and these industries are evolving quickly as more technology becomes available. Canada’s construction industry has rebounded already since COVID, and more public works are being funded.


There is also growth within the industry. Just because you start at an entry-level role doesn’t mean you have to be stuck there throughout your career. Learning new skills is a great way to advance and move up the ladder.  


Are you skilled tradesperson?   Let us help you find your next career opportunity in this rewarding field.


Contact itec group Recruitment Solutions. 

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Simply put, a contingent workforce plan is an organized management of temporary resources.  At its core, it offers both cost savings and flexibility. When managed properly, a solid contingent workforce plan can take your business to the next level and even afford benefits to your employees. 


Benefits of hiring contractors - They are there when you need them most:

Utilizing contractors can help prepare your organization for known or forecasted increases and even unexpected opportunities; or shortages of workers.  This gives you more flexibility and subsequently helps you avoid losing dedicated employees.  


Contractors help in times of increased projects, summer and winter holidays, and unforeseen circumstances that could, without their presence, burden your employees and result in loss of productivity and overall morale issues.


Contractors are professionals, they come in for a specific job and their expectations are only to do the job they’re hired for.  They hit the ground running and often require minimal supervision or guidance. 


Addressing the all too common skills gap:

Contractors can offer specialized skills for a specific project minus the long term commitment. Not to mention, the skills they bring come with an ability to be quick and agile, to adapt to your environment and contribute to a rise in productivity and a healthy bottom line.  In addition, contractors by nature have experienced a multitude of companies; some well run, others not so much.  As a result they can bring a whole new outlook and mindset to a project and an organization.  From this new insight, innovation and inspiration can often emerge. 


Let’s talk about cost savings:

Depending on the status of the contractor you can realize significant savings.  Sure independent contractors are typically paid higher but not in comparison to the obligatory costs associated with employees.  When you bring in an independent contractor you have an hourly fee (and maybe additional work related expenses, but with an employee, in addition to salary you have costs related to training and development, paid breaks/lunches, sick days, benefits and severance.   Of course some of these costs would be allocated for temporary contractors as per employment standards however, you would still benefit by having skilled resources on a temporary basis to assist in short term needs, and often at a lesser cost. 


Considering the risks:

I’d be remiss if I didn’t share the inherent risks in some Contingent Workforce Plans.  If you do not utilize a reputable third party agency/managed services provider like itec group you run the risk of compliance issues with payroll and taxes leaving you vulnerable to paying back pay, civil litigation costs; settlement costs and legal/tax penalties and fines if your contractor is deemed an employee under the law in your province. 


In short, you can realize your growth strategies for your organization through a well-managed contingent workforce plan that mitigates the risks of pseudo-employment, reduces liabilities, maximizes productivity and provides an optimized and compliant workforce.


For more information on how your organization can engage temporary workers with minimal risk, please connect with us for a consultative assessment of your needs. 


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