Much like Collin Robinson from the popular show "What We Do in the Shadows," who thrives by draining the energy of his unsuspecting co-workers through tedious conversation and monotony, every workplace has its version of an energy vampire. These individuals can sap the morale and productivity of a team, leaving a trail of exhaustion in their wake. For hiring managers, recognizing and neutralizing the impact of these energy vampires is crucial to maintaining a positive and productive work environment. This blog explores how to spot these challenges early on and implement effective strategies to foster a vibrant, engaged workplace.


Identifying Energy Vampires


Energy vampires are not always easy to spot; their effects may be subtle and accumulate over time. However, some common characteristics include:

  • Constant Negativity: Frequent complaints about work, colleagues, or the company without constructive feedback or solutions.
  • Drama Creation: An inclination towards creating or exacerbating conflicts, often leading to an atmosphere of tension and unease.
  • Lack of Enthusiasm: A noticeable disinterest in their work or the team's success, which can dampen the group's overall motivation.
  • Poor Collaboration: Difficulty working with others, often due to an inability to listen, empathize, or compromise.

Strategies for Managing Energy Vampires


Once identified, taking proactive steps to manage energy vampires is essential for protecting the team's morale and productivity. Here are some strategies:

  • Open Communication: Engage in a private, honest conversation with the individual. Express your observations and the impact of their behavior on the team. This can sometimes lead to self-awareness and change.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Clearly outline the expected behavioral standards within the workplace. Emphasize the importance of positivity, teamwork, and constructive feedback.
  • Provide Support and Resources: Sometimes, the behavior of energy vampires stems from personal or professional dissatisfaction. Support, such as access to counseling services or career development opportunities, can address underlying issues.
  • Encourage Positive Relationships: Foster an environment that encourages positive interactions among team members. Team-building activities and social events can help cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.
  • Monitor and Follow-Up: After addressing the issue, closely monitor the situation and follow up regularly. Recognize and reinforce positive changes in behavior to encourage continued improvement.
  • Decisive Action: If the behavior persists despite interventions, it may be necessary to take more decisive action, including reassignment or, as a last resort, termination, to protect the well-being of the team.


Much like their fictional counterparts, real-life energy vampires can drain the life out of a workplace. Hiring managers can mitigate their impact and preserve the team's engagement by remaining vigilant and employing targeted strategies. Remember, the goal is to stop energy vampires in their tracks and transform the workplace into a space where positivity and productivity can flourish. Through open communication, support, and positive reinforcement, it's possible to turn even the most draining situations into opportunities for growth and improvement.


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