COVID-19 changed the world as we once knew it in every aspect of our lives. It’s still changing things in public, homes, and at work. Now is a great time to consider taking a second look at your employee handbook to evaluate your policies to make your post-COVID workplace safe and healthy for all of your employees. Here are just a few things to consider.


Remote Work Policy


For many businesses, work from home became business as usual. But when things changed so quickly in 2020, companies didn’t always take the time to establish work-from-home policies. Now is the perfect time to do that. These policies should include accessing remote tools, the hours expected, and requirements for the home office.


Moving Regions


Some people over the last year looked at it as a way to move to a new location while still keeping their jobs. That’s becoming common across Canada, but it’s okay for companies to make policies regarding workers who live in other provinces. Check with your legal counsel to ensure you’re remaining compliant with national and local laws.


Personal Technology Etiquette


Whether your employees are working from home or in the workplace, you should update your technology etiquette requirements. For example, if you provide a laptop to a remote employee, you can make conditions that they don’t use that laptop for social media or personal communications. You can also require this in-house as well.


In-Office Visit Policy


Currently, we are still concerned about the transmission of COVID-19 and its variants. That means you may want to include an in-office visit policy for any time a remote worker returns to the office on a temporary basis. Some options include vaccine requirements, mask mandates, or COVID testing before coming back to the office.


Are you considering changes to your employee handbook post-COVID?


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