itec group


Finding the right candidate for your open position isn't always easy. You advertise, receive dozens if not hundreds of emails, and still find that the talent isn't meeting your expectations. It might be your application process. Are your job descriptions scaring away potential applicants? Here are some dos and don'ts for job description best practices.


List the Necessary Skills and Experience


When reading a resume, it usually takes a few seconds to form an opinion. You scan the resume looking for the most critical information. The same is true with job seekers and your job description. They want to be able to review it and see what's most important. If they do, they'll read through the whole thing to learn how to apply. Make sure you're providing the most necessary skills and experience first.


Don't Weigh "Nice to Have" so Heavily


Many companies also rely on the "nice to have" items for the job description. But rather than seeming aspirational, you're driving more qualified talent away from applying. When you include these items as a part of the skills and experience needed, they look less optional for an applicant. You may be narrowing your focus and excluding people from applying.


Include Salary and Benefits


It used to be that salary was never included in a job posting, but times are changing. Knowing the salary range before applying is increasingly critical, and job seekers are now actively avoiding companies that aren't transparent about their pay. Include a realistic salary range without any hidden agenda and describe your company's benefits.


Show How Success is Measured


Job seekers don't just want to know the laundry list of duties on the job; they also want to know how their success will be measured. For a job description, this is the equivalent of applicants including accomplishments on their resumes. You want to see how they were effective, and they want to see how they can be effective.


Keep it Short and Simple


Using the resume analogy again, ensure you keep the job description short and simple. Sure, you want to include as much information as necessary to get the message across, but don't overcomplicate it. If your description is too long, even the most qualified candidates will avoid reading to the end and may choose not to apply.


Make Your Application Process Easy


As a part of this process, your application process must be accessible. A recent SHRM report shows that 92% of all job seekers abandon online applications. When online applications require candidates to jump through too many hoops, they will decide the company isn't worth working with. For example, if they have to upload a resume and then type in identical information, they're more likely to quit than complete it.


If you're still struggling to find the employees you need, get in touch with itec group!

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