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Not all candidates are the same. You may find yourself struggling when you try to fit a square peg in a round hole. Not everyone will be a great fit, and that's okay. So, how do you know you're making the right decision? Here are six common red flags to watch out for in the hiring process.


Speaks Poorly About Previous Employers


Asking candidates about their current or most recent job is not uncommon. This can include details about their managers and working environment. This can be a concern if they volunteer negative feedback about their experience. It could point to a more significant problem with negativity or their inclination to have a similar experience in your organization.


Doesn't Share Similar Values


It's okay to hire people who share values with your company culture. A highly artistic and creative person isn't likely to thrive in an organization based on a lot of procedures, for example.


Not Prepared for the Interview


Job seekers need a certain level of preparedness ahead of an interview. If your candidate isn't aware of what the company does or the information from the job description, they may not be putting enough effort into getting the job.


Resume Seems Inconsistent


Did you notice some inconsistencies in their resume compared to their answers to your questions? Sometimes there are simple oversights, such as dates that are off by only a tiny amount. But other times, more significant red flags could indicate dishonesty in their resume.


Unable to Provide References


When you're ready to make an offer, job seekers should be prepared with references. If someone cannot produce a qualified reference list, that can spell bad news. Furthermore, Candidates should have spoken to professional references before submitting the list to you, so the people you call aren't caught off guard.


Doesn't Show Up on Time


Bigger than a simple pet peeve, not showing up to the interview on time can show a larger pattern. There may be exceptions if the person contacts you on their drive to let you know they've run into trouble or gotten lost, but pay attention to this behavior. It could grow into something that would be a red flag.


If you're struggling to find the all-star your company needs, turn to itec group!

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